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Save the Date: WBDIH All Hands Meeting May 12, 2016


  1. Lightning Talks from industry, academia, government, nonprofits, and data scientists throughout our region — hear about exciting collaborations in Metro Data Science, Precision Medicine, Natural Hazards, Big Data Tech, and Data-Enabled Scientific Discovery and Learning

  2. A “Collaboratory Faire” highlighting open source tools and teams that have leveraged open data/ open platforms.  Please send your nominations to!

  3. Thematic breakout sessions to help spark outcome-driven working groups and interest groups

  4. Opportunities to network with your colleagues from 13 states, the National Science Foundation, and other data science supporters

  5. + more updates soon!A portion of the meeting will be livestreamed, but we encourage you to make plans to attend in person if possible for the full experience. 


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