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Join #WestData17 Annual All Hands: Boulder, CO + Livestream

Join our 2nd Annual All Hands Meeting Monday and Tuesday, June 5-6! Livestreaming Monday June 5, 8am-11:30am PT HERE, with Remote Participation for the National Transportation Data Challenge session on Tuesday June 6, 10am PT (details for joining the Zoom videoconference HERE). Join the conversation on social media with #WestData17 and #BDHubs.

Event Highlights

  1. A diverse community, with participants including the Chief Innovation and Analytics Officer for the City of Boulder, the first Secretary of Trade and Commerce for the State of California, the Utah Department of Transportation, City of San Francisco, Cit of Las Vegas, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and the President-Elect for the National Institute for Water Resources

  2. Updates on Funding Opportunities and Collaborations from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Homeland Security (DHS),  United States Geological Survey (USGS), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and other Federal, State, and Local government agencies

  3. Flagship Initiatives + Strategic Opportunities Panel Discussion including West Hub Principal Investigators Mike Franklin, Ed Lazowska, and Michael Norman, and NSF Program Officer Fen Zhao

  4. Community-Led Deep Dives including Western Water (co-hosted with NSF INFEWS), Big Data + Public Policy (co-hosted with NSF Big Data Spokes), Metro Data Science + Smart Cities (co-hosted with NREL), Big Data Licensing + Data Sharing, and Data Science Education / Workforce Development including “Live from Berkeley” remarks from David Culler, new Interim Dean of the Division of Data Sciences

  5. Networking opportunities and roundtables for discussing current and future projectsRetweet the Announcement |  Like the Update on Facebook | Join the Conversation with #WestData17 Reminder: Deadline for Requesting Spokes Call for Proposals Letter of Collaboration NSF will be hosting a webinar in the coming weeks about the Spokes Solicitation. In the meantime, please note that the deadline to fill out the Letter of Collaboration Request Form with a hub is JUNE 19, 2017. More details can be found at In addition to the in-person collaboration opportunities at the 2nd Annual Open All Hands Meeting, the West Hub leadership team will have Office Hours June 14-15 posted at

As always, we greatly appreciate your help spreading the word to increase participation across each West Region state (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming). To help us grow our community, please forward this note widely and tell your colleagues to join our mailing list! On behalf of the WBDIH leadership team and our growing network of collaborators, thank you for your continued interest, support, and enthusiasm. Hope to see or hear from you soon!


Meredith Meredith M. Lee, Ph.D. | Executive Director, West Big Data Innovation Hub |

Save the Date: Deadlines + Local Meetings

  1. June 2  National Transportation Data Challenge 1st Category Call  online

  2. May 29-June 2 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Hubs/Spokes Workshop    Orlando, FL

  3. June 5-6 2nd Annual West Hub All Hands Meeting with various workshops    Boulder, CO

  4. June 19  Deadline to request NSF Spokes Solicitation Letter of Collaboration — more details will be posted on our website!

  5. July 14  #DataSciStories Workshop and Training co-hosted with AAAS and the South Hub    Washington DC

  6. Sept 18   Proposals for NSF Spoke Solicitation due to NSF

Big Data Spokes FY2018 Solicitation Announced

As mentioned in previous newsletters, the NSF Big Data Spokes Solicitation for FY2018 is now online. The Big Data activities of a BD Spoke will be guided by the following broad themes:

  1. Accelerating progress towards addressing societal grand challenges relevant to the regional and national priority areas defined by the BD Hubs (see our thematic and cross-cutting areas on our website and captured in our West Hub At-a-Glance summary, and look to our website for additional guidance soon about other hubs’ areas and NSF FAQs);

  2. Helping automate the Big Data lifecycle; and

  3. Enabling access to and spurring the use of important and valuable available data assets, including international data sets where relevant. NSF’s overall Big Data R&D portfolio includes fundamental research, infrastructure development and provisioning, education and workforce development, and community engagement.  Not all of these aspects of the overall portfolio are covered by this solicitation. In particular, this solicitation is not meant to fund proposals in which fundamental research is the primary activity. NEW FOR THIS SOLICITATION: There are two proposal categories covered by this solicitation: SMALL and MEDIUM BD Spokes. As was the case for the first BD Spoke solicitation, NSF notes that all proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must include a Letter of Collaboration from a regional BD Hub. We look forward to assisting Big Data Spoke proposal development by helping coordinate our region’s response and by identifying potential partnerships to strengthen our region’s proposals. More details about the Form to Request Letters of Collaboration (due June 19, 2017) in advance of the NSF Sept. 18, 2017 deadline is at, and please feel free to contact us at


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